Welcome to the MWS Annex!

We are elated to welcome the MWS Community to our new studio, The Annex, located just upstairs and accessible via the back door of our current space. The Annex was a necessary addition to accommodate the expansion of our group reformer classes and to improve the quality of experience for both Private Pilates and Stretch Therapy sessions. 

The new studio space will be equipped with a Springboard, Ladder Barrel and other Pilates accessories for private sessions to take place while reformer classes are happening. The main studio can be quite full and lively while classes are in session, so having the option to bring privates upstairs while classes are occurring will create a more intimate and uninterrupted environment for clients to take in instruction and to move with freedom. 

All Stretch Therapy appointments will be offered solely in the Annex, which we couldn’t be more thrilled about. Having a quiet, private space will be a major upgrade to the Stretch Therapy experience for all clients. This will create an environment where each individual can fully relax into their body, allow their nervous system to drop down, and receive the stretch in the most restorative way. 

If you have yet to experience Stretch Therapy and are interested in the service, check out this article:

We are also offering 10% off all regularly priced Stretch Therapy Packs through the month of May to celebrate the launch of the Annex! 

Use code: ANNEX10 at checkout in MBO to receive your discount!


Welcome Janin Vasquez to the MWS Team!


Move With Studio is Expanding